Transmission Services

Turn to Us for Extensive Transmission Line Engineering Support
PowerTech Engineering's staff of professionals have designed hundreds of miles of transmission lines over all types of terrain utilizing various types of wood, steel, and concrete structures.
We routinely evaluate structure types based on current economics, environmental conditions, material availability, access, terrain, climate, contamination conditions, and strength. Lines are designed for the area's climatic design loads including ice, wind, and special winds of tornadoes and hurricanes. Other special conditions examined are narrow right-of-way and extreme ice loadings.
Transmission Services
The Transmission Services Department's staff utilizes the latest in design software including PLS-CADD. AutoCAD drafting is utilized for drawings, Lotus & Excel spreadsheets for design data calculations, and various manufacturers' design programs are utilized for steel pole design, concrete pole design, EMF calculations, sag and tension data, damper determination and recommendations, as well as the design of caisson foundations.

extensive design experience
Our Transmission Services Department carries with it years of extensive design experience covering every facet of a transmission project including:

extensive experience in the design
Our staff's extensive experience in the design of lines ranging from 34.5 kV through 230 kV and over all types of terrains ranging from the sandy coasts to the silty-clay plains to the rocky mountain terrain.
PowerTech's engineers have conducted routing studies, coordinated field surveys and right-of-way acquisitions, dealt with the railroad department, DOTs, FAA, and Corp of Engineers.
Our designs include the use of concrete, steel and wood structures as well as designs for various embedment types including directly embedded, set in steel caissons, or set on concrete caisson foundations.